Q: Only 15% of these are accurate…
A: Warning Labels On Household Cleaning Products
Q: Nearly 1 in 4 of us have this…
A: Our Dream Job
Q: Over 50-million of these toys have been sold since the 1950’s…
A: Mr. Potato Head
Q: People with allergies can lower their reactions by doing this…
A: Laughing
Q: The average person walks four miles a year doing this…
A: Making Their Bed
Q: This can cause bad breath…
A: Dieting
Q: 25% of us do this in the sun…
A: Sneeze
Q: Nearly all of these sold are for decoration…
A: Pumpkins
Q: Nearly half of all women hate doing this…
A: Figuring Out What To Wear
Q: Only 40% of us do this daily…
A: Eat Breakfast
Q: Nearly 60-thousand people are injured by this annually…
A: Jewelry
Q: These last 3 to 5 months on your body…
A: Eyebrows
Q: Americans eat over 19-billion of these annually…
A: Pickles
Q: Nearly half of all women do this three times a day…
A: Apply Lotion
Q: This is the most annoying trait of coworkers…
A: Whining
Q: Women do this in 75% of American households…
A: Handle The Money
Q: The average pet owner spends over $100 on this annually…
A: Pet Sitters
Q: The average person does this four times a day/night…
A: Dreams
Q: If stuck in a blizzard, you should never do this…
A: Eat Frozen Snow, It Lowers Your Body Temp
Q: The average kid does this hundreds of times a day…
A: Asks A Question
Q: 1 in 4 of us do this…
A: Lie About How Often We Exercise
Q: Doing this makes women more confident…
A: Wearing Tighter Jeans
Q: 1 in 5 of us have never done this…
A: Written A Thank You Note
Q: Doing this helps your happiness level…
A: Marrying A Happy Person
Q: This doubles your chances of living to 100…
A: If Your Mom Was Under 25 When She Gave Birth To You
Q: Most of us gain weight by doing this…
A: Sampling Food